AAU Recruitment 2023 Apply Now | www.aauekpoma.edu.ng

AAU Recruitment

AAU Recruitment 2023 Apply Now | www.aauekpoma.edu.ng

The AAU Recruitment form is now out for those that wish to work with them or become part of their staff.

Online applications for the AAU recruitment for 2023 are now open. On this page, you can find more information on how to apply for positions at Ambrose Alli University using the AAU recruiting portal as well as other pertinent facts about the hiring of academic and non-academic employees. Apply for open positions at the AAU here.

We will cover all the information you require regarding hiring at Ambrose Alli University in this post. You can use the comprehensive information and instructions we have given to help you with your application. These cover the prerequisites, guidelines, and hassle-free application procedures for Ambrose Alli University recruiting.

Take this guide carefully since it contains all the information you want about the AAU hiring procedure.

Jeep in mind that the application form is not for sale and every applicant is advised to stay away from people that will claim they are staff of the institution and would love to help them get the job in exchange for money.

Also, those that will tell you to pay them in exchange for the form.

Requirements For AAU Recruitment 2023

Here are the requirements you need to meet up with if you wish to apply for this job.

  • You should be advanced when it comes to oral English language and even in writing
  • Candidates must be in good physical and mental health.
  • Interested candidates must have good behaviour and composure
  • A valid form of identification, such as a driver’s license, National Identification Card, international passport, voter card, or NIN number, is required of all applicants.
  • A minimum of five (5) credits on the Senior Secondary Certificate Exam, including English and Mathematics (SSCE)
  • At the time of application, interested individuals should not be older than 40 years.
  • Possession of a B.Sc., HND, NCE, or OND from a reputable institution in connection to the applied job
  • Must have completed the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, which is a one-year requirement
  • Proposing professional credentials and/or certificates will be advantageous.
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If you can meet up with all the requirements we have listed here, then you are just one step ahead of completing your application.

How To Apply For AAU Recruitment

Here is the step-by-step guide we have provided for you.

  • Visit the AAU official website at aauekpoma.edu.ng.
  • Find the Career Section of the Site
  • Use your email address to register, then adhere to the instructions which you will see there
  • Give all pertinent information
  • Select “Submit”
  • Once your registration is successful, print it out.
  • If you are chosen, you will be notified by email and scheduled for the next stage of the Recruitment process, which will eventually lead to an exciting career at the organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is AUU still recruiting?

Yes all interested people can go ahead now and start applying

How much is the AUU staff salary?

As a worker in the institution, you will be at least N150,000

When is the deadline for the application?

The deadline for this application has not been announced but we advise you to register on time to avoid missing out.


Here you have it! You can go ahead now and apply for recruitment and stand a chance to be selected.

Here at waptutors, we would keep updating you on the latest job opportunities around the country.

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