Are you looking for the best and top notch freelance sites? Or probably you need a perfect freelancing platforms to kick off your freelancing career? Or just some vivid knowledge on the biggest freelance sites? Then this article is absolutely for you.
You can put in your skills and knowledge that you own and earn genuine money from it. Now, there are so many people that have earned 4, 5, and even 6 digits from these freelancing sites.
You can take it as your side hustle or even your full-time work when you get more promising clients. A lot of people including myself struggle finding work that we can ace. There are tons of freelance sites online that you can try out. I am going to share 5 freelance sites that you can use to earn money from home.
Top 5 Freelance Sites to Make Money Online

Here is my list of 5 freelancing sites from the least that I find more active.
5. is a freelance marketplace that was founded in 1998. Here freelancers are paid at hourly rates for their projects. When you sign up, you get the membership. It’s free at the basic level. This freelancing platform has been around for many years.
Now how do you find a job on this website? It’s pretty simple. After you sign up and create an account. You go to find work, where you will find a job listing that Guru prepared for you. This is normally based on your skills and work experience.
When you come across a job that you like or are willing to offer your experience to, then you submit a quote. And if the client likes your bid, he or she offers you the job.
4. PeoplePerHour
Next freelancing platform on the list number 4 is PeoplePerHour. Now this is a platform that I signed up for and left because I got busy with other platforms. But from what I heard this is a really great platform to work on. It was found in 2007.
When you sign up in PeoplePerHour, you come across this dashboard. Here you can look at different kinds of jobs that might suit you. There are a variety of job options from which you can select to apply to. When you find one that you like, you click on the job and then send a proposal.
This is one freelance sites that you should consider signing up to if you’re thinking about freelancing in 2022.
This is the largest freelancer platform considering the number of users with more than 32 million people. People all around the world work with employers all around the world too.
There are so many freelancers on the platform that it’s very difficult to compete if you don’t have a particular skill or if you are not so active. But hey, if we want some money in our bank then we need to work harder right. This platform has a huge client base.
There are jobs posted every minute which means opportunity every minute. The process is the same. You browse for projects and then bid on your preferred project. If the employer wants you, he will send you a chat or directly offer you the project.
It also has a featured freelancer program where freelancers who meet the requirements can apply for this program. But it’s not so easy to meet those requirements. And if you get in then you also get a badge that is displayed on your profile stating that you are a preferred member in this platform.
2. Fiverr
Next on the list is no 2 is If you are interested in freelancing, you might have heard about fiverr. It’s been around since 2010. And this is a huge platform for freelancers to sell their skills.
This is somewhat different from other freelancing platforms because in Fiverr you create a gig. Buyers buy your gig and pay you according to the price you’ve set up in your gig. The main advantage is that after you are established, fiverr actually pushes clients to look into your profile to buy your services.
You can switch from selling and buying services in Fiverr. There are tons of gigs that are already selling. Look at some gig for inspiration and then create your own and start earning. However, there is one thing that you need to take care of when you are working or dealing with clients in Fiverr.
Here you need to make sure that you can only deal with the clients in the platform and if you try to deal with them outside of Fiverr, then you can get your account suspended.
So if the client says to have an interview or pay outside the Fiverr then you politely say no because I’ve gone through this and the support team doesn’t really help in getting back your account because as you can see there are tons of freelancers working on Fiverr. The least they need is more freelancers on the platform.
1. Upwork
No. 1 on the list that I also mostly use is When thinking about freelancing platforms, this is one that you must have heard very often. This is one huge platform and there are tons of opportunities on this platform.
The process is similar to others. You go to jobs, scroll through them and then find the one that you want to apply for and send the proposal. Here you spend connects when you send a proposal. The upwork gives up 40 or may be 30 free connects when you sign up.
There are a few ways with how you can get more free connects like passing a readiness test. On top of that if you get a reply to your proposal whether or not you get the job, upwork provides you 10 free connects and it also sends you 10 free connects at the end of the month.
I like this platform because to me it felt a lot safer compared to other platforms. Now, this completely depends on an individual’s choice. Regarding the competition, it might be very difficult to get your first job. You will have to put in your effort and time in building up your profile and sending proposals to the jobs.
People have earned a lot working in upwork. You can also filter the jobs. In the left hand side, you can filter out either the experience level, job type, no, of proposals or client info, the projects lengths, and more. Learn from other freelancers who are already working on the platform. Look at their profile and spend time to build yours.
You need to have a lot of patience in the beginning. Giving up is not an option here. And once you are established, you won’t even have to send a proposal because people will directly invite you to their jobs.
So these are the 5 freelance sites that could earn you real money working from your home. I hope you try out these platforms and get success. Enroll in the free course on how to earn money from your skills from the stable of Waptutors Academy. All the best.
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