Civil Defense Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Available |

Civil Defense Recruitment

Civil Defense Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Available |

Civil Defense Recruitment – The Nigeria Civil Defense is up again with their Recruitment form available at

The Civil Defense commission is also a security agency which is an independent body, charged with the responsibility of helping the police maintain peace and order in the country.

Yearly they Recruitment new members into their agency, I mean qualified candidates who can undergo training and come out successful.

The Civil Defense Recruitment program will employ a lot of Nigerians into the body and make a career out of them

Have in mind that the civil Defense Commission will never ask you to pay for their application form, so when you hear such news, kindly disregard it as it won’t yield anything good.

If you want to register you can do that by going to their official portal and registering for free.

Requirements For For Civil Defense Recruitment

For you to be considered for this Recruitment you have to meet up with some requirements which will determine if you will be eligible or not.

  • The applicant will have to be of good behaviour
  • The applicant should not have any criminal record in the past
  • The applicant should have at least 5 credits including English and mathematics in your O’level result
  • You should be ready to work
  • If you have any kind of disease, you will not be considered
  • Having HND, BSC or something equivalent is a plus for you
  • Having a good knowledge of computers is also a plus
  • The age needed is from 18 to 30 years
  • At the time of this application, the applicant should be found to belong today a secret society or cult
  • The height for the men is 1.65m while for the ladies, the height should be 1.60m
  • For the men, your chest size should be 0.87
  • You must not be found to be a debtor or have been financially embarrassed before.
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If you look at all the requirements that have been mentioned above and you can meet up with them, then congratulations you are one step ahead of getting recruited into the service.

How to Apply For Civil Defense Recruitment

Here is the simple way you can Apply

  • Go to the official portal for Registration
  • From there move over to the about us section
  • Click on career
  • Selected the Apply now section
  • Carefully fill the form
  • Click on submit
  • Make sure all your documents are attached to the form you submitting

For more updates on when the shortlist will be out and more inquiries about Civil Defense Recruitment, leave your comment through the comment.


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