EFCC Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Now Open | efccnigeria.org

EFCC Recruitment

EFCC Recruitment 2022/2023 Application Now Open | efccnigeria.org

EFCC Recruitment  – The economic and financial crime commission is here again with chances for you to apply to efccnigeria.org

Efcc or the eagle’s eyes as there are called is an agency set by the government to persecute people who are involved with money crimes or money laundering and other finance-related crimes.

Year to year the government employ people that can work and employ them, now the opportunity is here and you should grab it.

EFCC will not collect money from you to buy their form you can go straight to the application portal which is now open to start your application (efccnigeria.org)

On this page, we are going to guide you on how you can start your application from the beginning to the end and also we would give you all the requirements for you to have a successful application.

Requirements for EFCC Recruitment

For you to be eligible for EFCC Recruitment you have to meet up with some requirements. The agency first looks at these requirements before taking a decision.

If you are not able to have all the requirements documents, then your application will be flagged down and there is nothing you can do about it.

  • All candidates should be a citizen of Nigeria
  • The age bracket that is accepted is from 18 to 35 years of age.
  • You must be single
  • Should have good communication skills
  • Should be ready to work in a new environment
  • Should have at least 5 credits including English and mathematics in your O’level result
  • Should have any of the following certificates; HND, Bsc, OND, NCE
  • If you have any experience before, it will be a plus for you
  • You should have no serious offence except traffic offence with the police or any security agency
  • Should have a good means of identification like an International passport, Permanent voters card, National Identity
  • At the time of this application,  the candidate should be physically and mentally ready to work.
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If you have looked at it all and you are ready to work, then you should proceed with the application.

How To Apply For EFCC Recruitment

  • To apply you have to first log on to the official website of the agency efccnigeria.org
  • Head over to the career section
  • Select the position you’re going for
  • Fill the form
  • Upload all your documents
  • Submit it
  • Don’t forget to get a printout after submitting

Here we update you on the latest about EFCC recruitment, to be the first to get it, simply comment your email we can keep you updated.

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