AU Undergraduate Scholarship Application Available |

AU Undergraduate Scholarship

AU Undergraduate Scholarship Application Available |

AU Undergraduate Scholarship – Adeleke University have opened portal for it’s Scholarship opportunity

This is to inform all the students and aspiring students of Adeleke University that the yearly Scholarship opportunity is now here for those that are interested.

This is some how not a need based Scholarship as it also looks at the scores of every students who applied and rewarding those who are performing very well in their differnt areas of study or program.

It is a fully funded Scholarship which means you won’t have to pay anything because the school management will take care of the fees and also reward you with some money living expenses and dom fee will also be paid too.

The application form for AU Undergraduate Scholarship is free and not paid, avoid people telling you to pay for them to help you secure the admission.

Have in mind that everyone have the same chances of getting employed, if you follow the instructions here carefully, you will get things don quickly.

  • Eligibility: Nigerians 
  • Application: Now Open 
  • Deadline: Not Known Yet 

In this article, we are going to show you the step by step Guides on how you can Apply and the requirements needed for the Scholarship.

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Requirements for AU Undergraduate Scholarship

There are some requirements the university maintains why giving admission to anybody who is qualified and worthy.

After looking at the requirements below and you know you can handle, then you can proceed with the application.

  • You to proof that you have been awarded a provisional admission into Adeleke University
  • The Scholarship is fully funded
  • The Scholarship is available for people in the following field of study; Nursing, Computer science/ Computer engineering,  microbiology, Physics and chemistry and industrial chemistry
  • Which have aleast 5 credit including English and Mathematics in your O’level result
  • You should be a citizen of Nigeria for you to be qualified
  • Should have scored at least 200 and above in your jamb if your a new student
  • Attach to your application form a two clear passport photographs
  • All the documents must be submitted together with your Application form.
  • An incomplete form will not be accepted rather disqualified.

If you can meet up with the requirements we have listed above, let’s move over to the next one which is how to apply for AU Undergraduate Scholarship. 

Benefits of AU Undergraduate Scholarship

Before we talk about how you can Apply, let’s talk about what you stand on gaining if you are given this opportunity.

  • This is a fully funded Scholarship which means tuition will be paid
  • You will be given some money for living expenses
  • It is renewable on yearly basis.

How To Apply For AU Undergraduate Scholarship

  • To apply you need to head over to the official website at
  • Go through all the available opportunities
  • Create an account with them with your valid email and phone number
  • From the dashboard, fill the application form
  • Attach to you form, all the documents that are required
  • Submit and get a printed copy.
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Make sure to check your form twice to avoid mistake that might contribute to your disqualification.

For more update about AU Undergraduate Scholarship or any other scholarship opportunity, leave a comment below

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